About My Works

I was born and grew up in one of the well-off countries. As I entered my adulthood, I came to doubt the way of my life. From then on, I began struggling with my ego, greed and feeling of guilt for the higher standard of living I had taken for granted. Although my struggle has not ended yet, I have come to a realization that my life can have meanings by the pleasure of sharing and using my abilities for others.


Once when I was traveling through Asian countries, I became deeply fascinated with traditional and artistic patterns passed down among the small tribes and natives in these countries. Triggered by them, I began to further explore tribal and traditional fabrics, embroideries, tattoos and jewelries in the world. I eventually gravitated toward the sacred beauty held in them. At the same time, I realized that these long cherished traditions were gradually being abandoned by the locals even though some of them were actually facing danger of extinction. Shifting their interests to modern cultures, the locals were becoming apathetic about their own traditions. In my mind, this reality overlapped the deterioration of nature on the earth caused by our own modernization and globalization. 
Then, as an artist from the younger generation, 
I found that it may be meaningful to preserve these histories and traditions by reinterpreting and revitalizing them through art.

I acknowledge that I am not one of those highly skilled artists. However, instead, I derive inspiration from the sacred beauty existing in these legacies and weave as much kindness, gratefulness and hope coming out of myself into my process of creating art as possible.

ある時期、私はアジア諸国を旅行し、その国々の少数民族や先住民に伝わる伝統的な文様に魅了されました。それをきっかけとして世界各国の民族的な織物や、刺繍、ヘナや入れ墨、装飾品等の持つ文様の神聖な美しさに心酔していき、同時にこの伝統美は現在衰退の一途 をたどっている事を実感しました。各国の現地民達は徐々にこの伝統美を忘れ、近代的なものへと関心を移してきています。私にはそこに近代的な文化によって失われて行く地球の自然が重なりました。そして、この伝統美の神聖さを若い世代である自分がモチーフとして新しい解釈で描いて残す事に、私は意味があるかもしれないと考えたのです。実際、私の絵の中には既存の各国のあらゆるモチーフが多様されているので全ての私の絵が完全なオリジナリティーを持っているとは言えないのかもしれません。ただ、私の 敬愛する「伝統と造形の持つ力」を借りて描いているのです。


My journey to creating art and utilizing the profits form my art works for those in need has now begun.


To devote myself to art without any monetary incentive is an essential part of my art. It always reveals to me beautiful things incomparable to any monetary rewards.


Thanks you for showing interest in my art works.


A lot of flowers for your life.
